  • Sestyle

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Probably non active (C)
    Several signals show that this company is not active anymore
  • Social networks

    1,725 481
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    31100 Treviso, Province of Treviso, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 2

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Sestyle aims to promote Personal Branding and bases its identity on two great pillars:
    1. each of us expresses ourselves best when we find and optimize our own identity and style (hence the play on words sé and style);
    2. astrology calls sextile that precise angle between planets, or harmonious aspect, which allows a harmonious and reciprocal exchange, enriching them mutually with great energy.

    The Sestyle project was born in the spring of 2010 from an idea by Damiano Bordignon, an expert trainer in Interpersonal Communication, Improvisation Theater and NLP, and Enrico Bisetto, a Copywriter and Creative passionate about Web and Social Media.

    In practice, Sestyle deals with consultancy and training, helping professionals, entrepreneurs and young graduates who are entering the world of work to define their own identity, to study and apply strategies to amplify it and make it a successful brand, and to monitor and direct its results on the Web and beyond.

    Then, taking advantage of a large and solid network of professionals, Sestyle accompanies SMEs that are approaching the world of Web 2.0 by providing Web Marketing, Social Media Strategy and Digital PR services and consultancy.

    Personal Branding, Social Media Strategy, Coaching, and Digital PR

  • Original language

    Sestyle ha lo scopo di promuovere il Personal Branding e basa la sua identità su due grandi pilastri:
    1. ognuno di noi si esprime al meglio quando trova e ottimizza la propria identità e il proprio stile (da qui il gioco di parole sé e style);
    2. l’astrologia chiama sestile quella precisa angolazione tra pianeti, o aspetto armonico, che permette un armonioso e reciproco scambio, arricchendoli vicendevolmente di grande energia.

    Il progetto Sestyle nasce nella primavera del 2010 da un'idea di Damiano Bordignon, Formatore esperto di Comunicazione Interpersonale, Teatro d’Improvvisazione e PNL, ed Enrico Bisetto, Copywriter e Creativo appassionato di Web e Social Media.

    Nel concreto Sestyle si occupa di consulenza e formazione, aiutando professionisti, imprenditori e giovani neo-laureati che si affacciano al mondo del lavoro a definire la propria identità, a studiare ed applicare delle strategie per amplificarla e renderla un brand di successo, e a monitorarne ed indirizzarne gli esiti sul Web e non solo.

    Avvalendosi poi di un ampio e solido network di professionisti, Sestyle accompagna le PMI che si affacciano al mondo del Web 2.0 fornendo servizi e consulenze di Web Marketing, Social Media Strategy e Digital PR.

    Personal Branding, Social Media Strategy, Coaching, and Digital PR

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Human ressources, Software Development
Human ressources, Software Development

21 Jul 2011

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