  • Dansk Journalistforbund - Medier & kommunikation

    Created in 1961
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    7,646 12,090 12,090
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Gammel Strand 46, 1202 København, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 109

  • Engaged corporates

    0 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] DJ is the trade union for you in the media and communications industry. Get career advice, networking, legal help and more.

    DJ organizes all employees or freelancers who create content for the media and for communication.

    DJ is a professional community for a multitude of different professional groups within the media and communications industry. We believe that the diversity and the broad organization are our strength.

    The members can count on DJ to be ready at all times and with speed and presence to defend their interests individually or in groups - against employers, contractual partners, legislators and other authorities.

    DJ also wants to help members get interesting and relevant jobs via mediajob.dk

    Communication, Journalism, Media, Consulting, Freelancer, Self-employed, Students, Professional sparring, Terms of employment, Working environment, Salary, Copyright, Media law, Job search, Career development, Continuing education, Professional networks, etc.

  • Original language

    DJ er fagforeningen for dig i medie - og kommunikationsbranchen. Få karriererådgivning, netværk, juridisk hjælp og mere.

    DJ organiserer alle ansatte eller freelancere, der skaber indhold til medierne og til kommunikation.

    DJ er et fagligt fællesskab for et væld af forskellige faggrupper, inden for medie– og kommunikationsbranchen. Vi mener, at mangfoldigheden og den brede organisering er vores styrke.

    Medlemmerne kan regne med, at DJ til enhver tid og med hurtighed og nærvær er klar til at forsvare deres interesser enkeltvis eller i grupper - overfor arbejdsgivere, kontraktpartnere, lovgivere og andre myndigheder.

    DJ ønsker også at hjælpe medlemmer med at få interessante og relevante jobs via mediajob.dk

    Kommunikation, Journalistik, Medier, Rådgivning, Freelancer, Selvstændige, Studerende, Faglig sparring, Ansættelsesvilkår, Arbejdsmiljø, Løn, Ophavsret, Mediejura, Jobsøgning, Karriereudvikling, Efteruddannelse, Faglige netværk, and pr

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Software Development
Software Development

30 Apr 2024

Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Consulting, Business Consulting and Services
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Consulting, Business Consulting and Services

16 May 2023

European Parliament
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations

11 Nov 2021

9 Oct 2023

European Union, Environmental Services
European Union, Environmental Services

11 May 2023

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Social network dynamics