
    Created in 2014
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    565 608 4,852
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    22 Rue Seguin, 69002 Lyon, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 23


  • Engaged corporates

    6 6
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Understanding the problematic issues in the management of data in healthcare sectors, Deeplink Medical was created by 5 radiologists in 2014, to help improve the imaging and data workflow in both emergency and routine with innovative software services.

    Based in Lyon city, one of the biggest pharmaceutical hubs in France, Deeplink Medical revolutionizes the medicine of today by providing easy solutions based on the latest trends and in line with global best practices (ISO 27001, HDS, Medical Device Class 1).

    With over 34,000 healthcare professional users, and 1,400,000 patient files created, hundreds of health establishments have trusted us with ITIS, our platform for your radiological and tele-radiological monitoring; MIRIO for the imaging and data workflow of your Oncology trials combined with medical services; and DLMBox which is a smart transfer solution of DICOM images.

    Deeplink Medical’s team is sensitive to cancer research, a leading cause of mortality in the world, and we always seek to improve the practices in the sector through our services.

    Contact us for a collaboration, we’d love to chat with you !

  • Original language

    Basée à Lyon et créée en 2014, Deeplink Medical digitalise l’imagerie médicale en proposant des plateformes pour optimiser et accélérer les parcours de soin.

    À l'initiative de 5 médecins radiologues, Deeplink Medical construit ses solutions autour du patient, basées sur les dernières innovations technologiques et médicales, et selon les meilleures pratiques du secteur (certifications ISO 27001 et HDS, marquage CE "dispositif médical").

    Ce sont aujourd’hui une cinquantaine de collaborateurs réunis au sein de nos 3 pôles d'excellence : médical, R&D, opérationnel qui travaillent au développement continu de nos plateformes.

    Plus d’une centaine d’établissements de santé en France nous font confiance et ont choisis, ITIS pour l’encadrement des examens radiologiques et téléradiologiques , MIRIO pour le suivi oncologique et l’évaluation de la réponse thérapeutique et notre solution de transfert d’images DICOM : la DLMBox.

  • deeplink-medical

    Deeplink Medical a été créé avec une ambition: améliorer la prise en charge des patients, en connectant, grâce à nos plateformes, les professionnels de santé.

  • https://www.deeplink-medical.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Digital Pharma Lab
Digital Pharma Lab
Pharmaceutical, Health, Business Consulting and Services
Digital Pharma Lab
Pharmaceutical, Health, Business Consulting and Services

24 May 2023

BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

23 Apr 2023

Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP
Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP
Health, Hospitals and Health Care
Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP
Health, Hospitals and Health Care

15 Jun 2023

Finance, Investment Banking
Finance, Investment Banking

16 Feb 2023

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

2 Feb 2016

Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research
Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research

20 Nov 2023

Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

20 Oct 2021

Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
National and local authorities, Government Administration

20 Nov 2023

Servier Pharmaceuticals
Servier Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Servier Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not event

14 Mar 2018

Medicen Paris Region
Medicen Paris Region
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations
Medicen Paris Region
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not event

26 Mar 2018

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