  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Association of traders in the city center of Grenoble

    A single objective for this association bringing together all the traders of Grenoble: to promote their city.
    Come and discover the diversity of the shops and neighborhoods of Grenoble.

    Shops, City center, Communication, Sales, Flea markets, Garage sales, Animations, and Events

  • Original language

    Association des commerçants du centre-ville de Grenoble

    Un seul objectif pour cette association réunissant tous les commerçants Grenoblois : promouvoir leur ville.
    Venez découvrir la diversité des commerces et des quartiers Grenoblois.

    Commerces, Centre-ville, Communication, Braderies, Brocantes, Vide-grenier, Animations, and Evenementiel

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
CCI de Grenoble
CCI de Grenoble
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI de Grenoble
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

26 Apr 2023

Groupe Crédit Agricole Groupe Crédit Agricole
Bank, Banking

11 Jun 2024

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