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Mánesova 866/23, 120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady, Czechia
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5 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Making LGBT+ lives in Czechia better
Our mission is to create a respectful and safe environment in which LGBT+ people can be themselves. 🏳️🌈
We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization for which the person and their human dignity come first. Respect and diversity are our core values. We believe in democracy and the rule of law based on respect for human rights.
We strive for equal conditions in the Czech Republic, which is why we created the Jsme fér initiative together and co-founded the Pride Business Forum platform. We create a space of safety and belonging through the Prague Pride festival, which gives LGBT+ people the opportunity to be seen and heard by the majority society. We are a support in various life situations, which is also why we run the counseling center and through the #ozvise project we are dedicated to prejudicial violence and its victims. We educate in schools, companies and professional professions about our topics. We connect LGBT+ people with each other, which is why we are establishing the first LGBT+ community center in the Czech Republic.
We aim to create a respectful and safe environment where LGBT+ people can be themselves. 🏳️🌈
We are a non-governmental non-profit organization which places people and their human dignity first. Respect and diversity are our core values. We believe in democracy and rule of law based on respect for human rights.
Because we strive for a level playing field in Czechia, we jointly created the Jsme fér initiative and co-founded the Pride Business Forum platform. We create space that promotes safety and belonging through the Prague Pride festival, which gives LGBT+ people the opportunity to be seen and heard by wider society. We provide support in various life situations through the counseling center, and we focus on prejudice-motivated violence and its victims through the #ozvise project. We also educate about our themes at schools, companies, and professional forums. We are establishing the first LGBT+ community center in Czechia to continue mutually connecting LGBT+ people.
LGBT rights, Promotion of Tolerance, Event organization, and LGBTQ+
Making LGBT+ lives in Czechia better
Naším posláním je utvářet respektující a bezpečné prostředí, ve kterém mohou být LGBT+ lidé sami sebou. 🏳️🌈
Jsme nevládní nezisková organizace, pro kterou je na prvním místě člověk a jeho lidská důstojnost. Respekt a rozmanitost jsou naše základní hodnoty. Věříme v demokracii a právní stát založený na úctě k lidským právům.
Usilujeme v Česku o rovné podmínky, i proto jsme spolu vytvořili iniciativu Jsme fér a spoluzaložili platformu Pride Business Forum. Vytváříme prostor bezpečí a sounáležitosti skrze festival Prague Pride, který dává LGBT+ lidem možnost být vidět a slyšet většinovou společností. Jsme oporou v různých životních situacích, i proto provozujeme poradnu a skrze projekt #ozvise se věnujeme předsudečnému násilí a jeho obětem. Vzděláváme ve školách, firmách a odborných profesích o našich tématech. Propojujeme LGBT+ lidi mezi sebou, proto zakládáme první LGBT+ komunitní centrum v České republice.
We aim to create a respectful and safe environment where LGBT+ people can be themselves. 🏳️🌈
We are a non-governmental non-profit organization which places people and their human dignity first. Respect and diversity are our core values. We believe in democracy and rule of law based on respect for human rights.
Because we strive for a level playing field in Czechia, we jointly created the Jsme fér initiative and co-founded the Pride Business Forum platform. We create space that promotes safety and belonging through the Prague Pride festival, which gives LGBT+ people the opportunity to be seen and heard by wider society. We provide support in various life situations through the counselling centre, and we focus on prejudice-motivated violence and its victims through the #ozvise project. We also educate about our themes at schools, companies, and professional forums. We are establishing the first LGBT+ community centre in Czechia to continue mutually connecting LGBT+ people.
LGBT rights, Promotion of Tolerance, Event organization, and LGBTQ+
Jsme nevládní nezisková organizace, pro kterou je na prvním místě člověk a jeho lidská důstojnost. Respekt a rozmanitost jsou naše základní hodnoty. Věříme v demokracii a právní stát založený na úctě k lidským právům. Naším posláním je utvářet respektujíc
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