Policies and Tools for Mainstreaming 1.5° Lifestyles
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project aims to mainstream 1.5° Lifestyles. We know that our lifestyles have to change if we are to mitigate the worst effects of the climate crisis - and that means creating radical change in the structures that shape our lifestyles, from policy to infrastructure, and economic and societal institutions.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003880. The sole responsibility for the content of this page lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
To help mainstream 1.5° lifestyles, the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project connects an analysis of individual lifestyle perspectives with an investigation of structural influences on lifestyle choices and impacts. On that basis, it develops recommendations and tools for political decision-makers, households and intermediary actors. It targets the problem that prevalent behaviour-based approaches tend to make individual consumers responsible for addressing the climate crisis, while neglecting the effects of political-economic, societal and technological structures. Against this background, the project
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