  • TÜV Rheinland Europe

    Created in 1872
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Av. de Burgos, 114, 28050 Madrid, Spain



  • Employees

    Scale: 10001+

    Estimated: 1,199

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    For 150 years, TÜV Rheinland has stood for ensuring quality, safety, and efficiency in conjunction with people, the environment, and technology.

    As a neutral, independent third party, we test, accompany, develop, promote and certify products, plants, processes and management systems as well as services based on legal requirements and other relevant performance benchmarks and standards.

    In addition, TÜV Rheinland qualifies specialists and trains people for numerous companies and areas of business and life.

    Our greatest capital is based on over 20,000 clever minds: concentrated knowledge. It is our enormous pool of experience from which the people at TÜV Rheinland create exceptional substance and inspiration for their meaningful work.

    The results of their work can be discovered everywhere: in tested elevators or rides, on certified toys or technical equipment, in our advice or training. No matter where - our international teams have been setting standards in terms of safety, quality and efficiency for many years.

    Seguridad Industrial, de Inspección reglementaria, OCA y voluntaria, Formación, Certificación y auditorías de Calidad, Medio Ambiente, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Seguridad de Producto, ITV, servicios al sector automoción, Certificación de Producto, and prüfdienstleistungen

  • TUV Rheinland France - Page Accueil | FR | TÜV Rheinland

    TÜV Rheinland France filiale du groupe TÜV Rheinland est un organisme de certification de produits et systèmes de management. Essais sur les produits électrique

  • https://www.tuv.com/france/fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Cluster Lumière
Cluster Lumière
Civic and Social Organizations
Cluster Lumière
Civic and Social Organizations

21 Oct 2024

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