  • Value proposition

    Audio AI infrastructure for voice-first platforms

    Gladia is on a mission to help companies leverage cutting-edge AI and retrieve actionable insights from audio data. Its API supports advanced speech recognition and analysis features in over 100 languages, with exceptional accuracy and asynchronous and real-time transcription.

    artificial intelligence, API, and speech-to-text

  • Original language

    Audio AI infrastructure for voice-first platforms

    Gladia is on a mission to help companies leverage cutting-edge AI and retrieve actionable insights from audio data. Its API supports advanced speech recognition and analysis features in over 100 languages, with exceptional accuracy and asynchronous and real-time transcription.

  • Gladia I Audio Transcription API

    From async to live streaming, our API empowers your platform with accurate, multilingual speech-to-text and actionable insights.

  • https://www.gladia.io/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
La French Tech
La French Tech
Media, Government Administration
La French Tech
Media, Government Administration

6 Apr 2023

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