  • startflow

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    446 241
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    5 Pl. Duburg, 33800 Bordeaux, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3


  • Engaged corporates

    2 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Let's cultivate the potential of your collaborations together!

    Management consulting through Change By Design.

    Marie-Hélène, a memorialist chartered accountant, and Oussama, a designer specializing in design thinking and codesign, support accounting firms, VSEs and SMEs on organization and management focused on uses.

    Since the COVID19 crisis, we have set up Happy Flow: a service that makes it easier for managers to take into account the employee experience by visualizing and setting up a collaborative framework for problem solving.

    🎯 HappyFlow helps you to:
    📌Collect feedback and visualize the feelings of your employees.
    📌Take a step back on the organization of collaboration at moment T
    📌Involve your teams in the management of the organization in continuous improvement
    📌Reassure and remotivate your employees

    🎯We also support you through active and personalized coaching

    🎯We are also trainers for regional training centers for chartered accountants on:
    📌Startup culture and Agility
    📌Collaborative management

    Visual Management, Chartered Accountants, Business Design, Design Thinking, Employee Experience, Collaborative Management, LegalDesign, Startup & Agility, and Change By Design

  • Original language

    Cultivons ensemble le potentiel de vos collaborations !

    Conseil en management par le Change By Design.

    Marie-Hélène, expert-comptable mémorialiste, et Oussama, designer spécialisé design thinking et codesign, accompagnent les cabinets d'expertise-comptable, TPE et PME sur l'organisation et le management centrés sur les usages.

    Depuis la crise du COVID19, nous avons mis en place Happy Flow : un service qui facilite aux dirigeants la prise en compte de l'expérience collaborateur par la visualisation et la mise en place d'un cadre collaboratif de résolutions de problèmes.

    🎯 HappyFlow vous aide à:
    📌Récolter les feedbacks et à visualiser les ressentis de vos collaborateurs.
    📌Prendre le recul sur l'organisation de la collaboration à instant T
    📌Impliquer vos équipes dans la gestion de l'organisation en amélioration continue
    📌Rassurer et remotiver vos collaborateurs

    🎯Nous vous accompagnons également à travers un coaching actif et personnalisé

    🎯Nous sommes également formateur auprès des centres de formations régionaux des experts-comptables sur :
    📌La culture startup et Agilité
    📌Le management collaboratif

    Visual Management, Experts-Comptables, Business Design, Design Thinking, ExpérienceCollaborateur, ManagementCollaboratif, LegalDesign, Startup & Agilité, and Change By Design

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup accelerator & VC, Professional Training and Coaching
Startup accelerator & VC, Professional Training and Coaching
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

22 Oct 2019

Financial Services
Financial Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

28 Oct 2019

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