  • Value proposition

    Federate and represent Manufacturers of Animal Health Diagnostics
    Promotes initiatives for the development of AHD

    Diagnostics For Animals is the only professional international #organization representing #animal #health #diagnostics.
    It federates and represents #manufacturers of animal health diagnostics at large, explains the benefit of an harmonized, efficient, and transparent regulatory framework to ensure the future #veterinary health industry and promotes initiatives for the development of animal health diagnostics

    health, animal, vet, veterinary, diagnostic, OneHealth, organization, livestock, pet, zoonosis, medical device, medical analysis, innovation, health security, research, and test

  • Original language

    Federate and represent Manufacturers of Animal Health Diagnostics
    Promotes initiatives for the development of AHD

    Diagnostics For Animals is the only professional international #organization representing #animal #health #diagnostics.
    It federates and represents #manufacturers of animal health diagnostics at large, explains the benefit of an harmonized, efficient, and transparent regulatory framework to ensure the future #veterinary health industry and promotes initiatives for the development of animal health diagnostics

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
European Union, Environmental Services
European Union, Environmental Services

28 Feb 2024

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