  • MoneySavingExpert.com

    Created in 2003
  • Social networks

    2,384,910 592,529 7,732
  • Activities

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  • Entity types

  • Location

    Dean St, London, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 55

  • Engaged corporates

    25 18
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    MoneySavingExpert.com (MSE) is the UK’s biggest consumer website. It provides millions of users with free, independent, editorially-led information about all things money. The goal for everyone working at MSE is simple – we’re dedicated to cutting consumer bills and fighting hard for financial justice for everyone. We get around 15m Money Savers to our website every month. Our weekly email is full of exclusive deals, tricks and MoneySaving guides, all aimed at helping people make the most of their cash. The MSE Forum is a lively and supportive community, with more than 1.5 million users taking part in 3 million discussions ranging from making the most of your credit card to good old-fashioned thrifty budgeting. In addition, our Cheap Energy Club takes the hard work out of switching energy and saving on energy bills whilst the newly launched Credit Club is a great way of managing an array of financial decisions.

    Founder and Executive Chairman, Martin Lewis, created MSE in 2003 for just £100. The site grew speedily and in September 2012 joined the MoneySupermarket.com Group PLC. Over the years, MSE has become a major disruptor, leading on innovation and developing cutting-edge tools. The influence Martin and Money Saving Expert have over financial awareness, consumer empowerment and public policy is second to none.

    But what really makes MSE stand-out from the crowd is the Editorial Code, which lies at the heart of everything we do. Regardless of your role at MSE, it’s everybody’s job to champion the consumer - and that makes us a truly unique, exciting and rewarding place to work. If you are inspired by what we do or see yourself as a passionate consumer champion, and have the grit and enthusiasm along with the skills we seek, a career in MSE might just be the right career step you are looking for.

    Personal Finance Guidance, Money saving expertise, Cutting costs, and Fighting the consumer's corner

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing

27 Jun 2023

Mustard Seed Mustard Seed

15 Jan 2015

etyres limited
etyres limited
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
etyres limited
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

15 Jan 2015

The Adecco Group
The Adecco Group
Human ressources, Human Resources Services
The Adecco Group
Human ressources, Human Resources Services

13 Mar 2021

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