
    Created in 2006
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    29,396 2,152
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    City of Belgrade, Serbia

    Grad Beograd


  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 263

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] We are the FIRST television.

    Since September 2010, we have been called First Serbian Television. It was a turning point for our TV company, which in 2006 received a national frequency license from the Republic Broadcasting Agency as Fox television.

    The change of name, management, the introduction of the most modern technical standards of image quality, high-budget and completely new, modern program content, were crucial for us to move upward at breakneck speed, which was confirmed by the ever-increasing ratings. Viewers quickly recognized a high-quality program, tailored to their needs, and made their decision. That is why we can announce with special pride that we have achieved our goal. We won the 1st place in the hearts of our viewers, as shown by the results of the research by the AGB Nielsen agency.

    The first Serbian television justified its name by becoming the most watched commercial television in Serbia.

    The first is 1.

    We continue in the same rhythm. And in the future, we will broadcast only the best program. We are sure that with a rich series, film, entertainment, sports and information program, which meets the needs and interests of Serbian viewers, and at the same time keeps pace with world trends, we will justify the trust you have placed in us.

  • Original language

    Mi smo PRVA televizija.

    Od septembra 2010. godine nosimo naziv Prva srpska televizija. To je bila prekretnica za našu tv kuću koja je 2006. godine kao Fox televizija od Republičke radiodifuzne agencije dobila dozvolu za nacionalnu frekvenciju.

    Promena imena, menadžmenta, uvođenje najsavremenihih tehničkih standarda kvaliteta slike, visokobudžetnih i potpuno novih, modernih programskih sadržaja, bili su presudni da vrtoglavom brzinom krenemo uzlaznom linijom, što su svakodnevno potvrđivali sve bolji rejtinzi. Gledaoci su brzo prepoznali kvalitetan program, kreiran po njihovoj meri i presudili su. Zato sa posebnim ponosom možemo da saopštimo da smo ostvarili svoj cilj. Osvojili smo 1.mesto u srcu naših gledalaca, o čemu govore rezultati istraživanja agencije AGB Nilsen.

    Prva srpska televizija je opravdala svoje ime postavši najgledanija komercijalna televizija u Srbiji.

    Prva je 1.

    Nastavljamo u istom ritmu. I ubuduće ćemo emitovati samo najbolji program. Sigurni smo da ćemo sa bogatim serijskim, filmskim, zabavnim, sportskim i informativnim programom, koji odgovara potrebama i interesovanjima srpskih gledalaca, i istovremeno prati korak sa svetskim trendovima, opravdati poverenje koje ste nam ukazali.

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