  • Diplomacy - Festival della Diplomazia

    Created in 2008
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    2,118 2,478
  • Activities

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  • Location

    Via Carlo Botta, 17, 00184 Roma RM, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 7

  • Engaged corporates

    0 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Rapid transformations, future scenarios: the role of diplomacy.

    The “Festival of Diplomacy” was born in 2009 from the awareness of the centrality of Rome in the international arena. In fact, a large international community operates and lives in the city that interacts daily with citizens and local institutions, in constant interaction with the economic, organizational and cultural structure. Rome is considered a focal point for diplomatic relations with 139 Embassies accredited to the Italian Republic, 78 to the Holy See, 134 to the FAO, 73 to San Marino. To this, we must add the rich fabric of International Organizations, universities, academies and foreign cultural institutes that consolidate the projection of Rome as the first international city in the world.

    With a solid relational circuit behind it, the Festival della Diplomazia has reached its XII edition in 2021, with the recognition of the Medal of the President of the Republic and thanks to the support and patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Representation in Italy of the Commission and the European Parliament, over 70 embassies, 7 universities and numerous scientific partners.

    Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, and Event Organization

  • Original language

    Trasformazioni rapide, scenari futuri: il ruolo della diplomazia.

    Il “Festival della Diplomazia” nasce nel 2009 dalla consapevolezza della centralità di Roma in ambito internazionale. Nella città, infatti, opera e vive un’ampia comunità internazionale che giornalmente si relaziona con la cittadinanza e le istituzioni locali, in costante interazione con l’assetto economico, organizzativo e culturale. Roma è considerato un punto nevralgico per le relazioni diplomatiche con 139 Ambasciate accreditate presso la Repubblica Italiana, 78 presso la Santa Sede, 134 presso la FAO, 73 presso San Marino. A questo, va aggiunto il ricco tessuto di Organizzazioni Internazionali, università, accademie e istituti di cultura stranieri che vanno a consolidare la proiezione di Roma come prima città internazionale al mondo.

    Con alle spalle un solido circuito relazionale, il Festival della Diplomazia è giunto nel 2021 alla sua XII edizione, con il riconoscimento della Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica e grazie al supporto e al patrocinio del Ministero degli Esteri, della Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione e del Parlamento Europeo, di oltre 70 ambasciate, 7 università e numerosi partner scientifici.

    Diplomazia, Public Diplomacy, and Organizzazione Eventi

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
European Union, Environmental Services
European Union, Environmental Services

5 Oct 2023

United Nations
United Nations
International development, International Affairs
United Nations
International development, International Affairs

18 Oct 2021


25 Oct 2022

European Parliament
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations

5 Oct 2023

Kaspersky France and North, West &ampamp; Central Africa
Kaspersky France and North, West & Central Africa
IT services, Computer & Network Security, Computer and Network Security
Kaspersky France and North, West & Central Africa
IT services, Computer & Network Security, Computer and Network Security

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