  • Fitprime - Wellbeing Made Easy

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    165 12,403
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Viale di Villa Massimo, 39, 00161 Roma RM, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 103

  • Engaged corporates

    1 22
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The innovative solution that makes it easy for companies to take care of the well-being of their people.

    Fitprime is the platform of corporate welfare services aimed at personal well-being, which makes it easier for over 400,000 people in Italy to maintain or achieve their psycho-physical well-being.
    This goal is achieved through tailor-made programs for companies and thanks to 4 main services:

    Fitprime Places, the service that allows you to train in more than 3,500 partner sports centers throughout Italy,
    Fitprime Smart, a portal entirely dedicated to training and home-workout, with thousands of courses and lessons on demand and live,
    Fitprime Therapy, the psychological support service dedicated exclusively to the world of companies.
    Fitprime Nutrition, a service that offers anamnesis and personalized nutritional plans.

    80 technicians, including trainers, psychologists and nutritionists, take care of providing activities, masterclasses, webinars, nutritional programs and much more for our partner companies every day.

    ENI, Unicredit, Accenture, Luxottica, Esselunga, Unilever, KPMG and many other companies already use Fitprime services aimed at promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for workers and their families through the care of physical, mental and environmental well-being.

    Get more information directly on our website fitprime.com, following us on social media channels Linkedin and Instagram or contacting us directly at info@fitprime.com.

    Fitness, Wellness, Sport, Wellbeing, Welfare, Health and well-being, Technology, Wellbeing for companies, and Nutrition

  • Original language

    La soluzione innovativa che rende facile per le aziende occuparsi del benessere delle proprie persone.

    Fitprime è la piattaforma di servizi di welfare aziendale rivolti al benessere della persona, che rende più semplice, per oltre 400.000 persone in Italia, mantenere o raggiungere il proprio benessere psico-fisico.
    Questo obiettivo è raggiunto attraverso programmi tailor made per le aziende e grazie a 4 servizi principali:

    Fitprime Places, il servizio che permette di allenarsi in più di 3500 centri sportivi partner in tutta Italia,
    Fitprime Smart, un portale interamente dedicato alla formazione e all’home-workout, con migliaia di corsi e lezioni on demand e live,
    Fitprime Therapy, il servizio di supporto psicologico dedicato esclusivamente al mondo delle aziende.
    Fitprime Nutrition, un servizio che offre anamnesi e piani alimentari personalizzati.

    80 tecnici, tra trainer, psicologi e nutrizionisti, si occupano ogni giorno di erogare attività, masterclass, webinar, programmi nutrizionali e tanto altro per le nostre aziende partner.

    ENI, Unicredit, Accenture, Luxottica, Esselunga, Unilever, KPMG e tante altre aziende utilizzano già i servizi di Fitprime destinati alla promozione di uno stile di vita sano e attivo del lavoratore e dei suoi familiari attraverso la cura del benessere fisico, mentale ed ambientale.

    Ottieni maggiori informazioni direttamente nel nostro sito fitprime.com, seguendoci sui canali social Linkedin e Instagram o contattandoci direttamente a info@fitprime.com.

    Fitness, Wellness, Sport, Wellbeing, Welfare, Salute e benessere, Tecnologia, Wellbeing per le aziende, and Alimentazione

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services

20 Oct 2022

Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting
Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting

20 Oct 2022

Media, Software Development
Media, Software Development
Not partnership
Not event

12 Jan 2021

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