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L'Union des Aéroports Français (UAF) L'Union des Aéroports Français (UAF)

[Automatic translation follows] The professional organization of French airports, regardless of their size and specialty. The Union of French & Francophone Airports Associés (UAF & FA) is the professional organization of French airports, regardless of their size and specialty. Its main mission is to defend and promote the interests of the French airport community with French and European decision-makers. It also offers its members a large number of services and assistance covering most areas of airport operations: legal, social, economic, tax, safety, facilitation, security, air navigation, sustainable development, etc. The UAF & FA is an associate member of the Fédération …

Sectors: Transport

1556 1027 165
Technopolys Technopolys

[Automatic translation follows] The movement to mobilize and promote the technology industry in Quebec Technopolys is the movement to promote the technology industry in Quebec. This major concerted initiative is led by companies, universities, research centers and associations in the information and communications technology sector, brought together within the TechnoMontréal Industry Promotion project. Technopolys' strength lies in the industry's teamwork: join us today! Technopolys builds on the pride of our industry and allows: - Increased knowledge of its contribution to the Quebec economy, the innovation ecosystem and the well-being of citizens - Promoting entrepreneurship, careers in technology and the educational …

Sectors: National and local authorities

131 37 113