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Xylofutur Xylofutur

[Automatic translation follows] The Competitiveness Cluster dedicated to the forest-wood-paper-chemicals sector Since its creation in 2005, Xylofutur has been the only Competitiveness Cluster dedicated to the forest-wood-chemicals energy sector. Its objective is to develop the competitiveness of the national sector through innovation and R&D. Xylofutur now has around 250 members and has certified more than 280 projects. Xylofutur supports project leaders and their partners in accessing: 📍current and future markets 📍public and private funding 📍internationalization 📍and anticipating skills needs via 3 strategic areas of activity: ✅ Trees and forests ✅ Wood ✅ Chemistry-energy Xylofutur hosts the network of start-ups in …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

168 61 107

[Automatic translation follows] Polymeris, Competitiveness cluster for rubbers, plastics and composites POLYMERIS is the only competitiveness cluster dedicated to rubbers, plastics and composites. It is the result of combining the skills, 15 years of experience and resources of Elastopôle and Plastipolis. Polymeris works to serve all manufacturers to bring out new R&D projects, encourage and promote innovation and focuses its roadmap around 2 major strategic axes: the circular economy and the industry of the future. A benchmark in terms of innovation, we work in France and internationally to promote a dynamic and innovative industry, supporting the emergence and sustainability of …

Sectors: French Cluster Industry Public business cluster

508 176 370

[Automatic translation follows] The CIMES competitiveness cluster, Creating Integrated MEchanical Systems, operates in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Nouvelle Aquitaine regions and has a dual ambition: • To constitute the first European ambition hub dedicated to engineering and manufacturing for intelligent mechanical systems, recognized as a major player in the new organization of the mechanical sector in France. • To lead a cutting-edge innovation ecosystem bringing together all the players in industry, research and training in order to design, develop and industrialize the processes, products and services that the industry of the future needs. COSYR - Optimized Design of Reasoned Systems, …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

246 95 180
ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] The Chemistry & Materials cluster in Nouvelle Aquitaine! ACD is the Chemistry & Materials network in Nouvelle Aquitaine: ACD brings together all the stakeholders and resources to support the development projects, individual or collective, of companies in the sector. ACD was created in 2010, at the initiative of France Chimie Nouvelle-Aquitaine (formerly UIC Aquitaine), with the support of the State, the Aquitaine Region and Europe. Its missions: • ACD structures and leads the Chemistry-Materials sector in Nouvelle Aquitaine, in close partnership with the Regional Council. • ACD stimulates and supports innovation in companies in the sector • …

154 24 142
SATT Aquitaine Science Transfert SATT Aquitaine Science Transfert

Valorisons les inventions qui façonnent le monde de demain ! Aquitaine Science Transfert is the Nouvelle Aquitaine TTO (Technology Transfer Office). Our mission is to generate economic and social value out of public research, whether it deals with startups creation or patent licensing. Thanks to all researchers in Aquitaine region, we cover all fields of science : health and medical, aeronautics, space and defence, green techs, energy, utilities, engineers science, social and human sciences, etc. We represent our shareholders : University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP (publicengineers school), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French National Institute of Health …

Tags: SATT Network

137 33 78
Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics

Innovation in Ceramics at the service of Industry The Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics is the main French RTO supporting innovation in the field of Advanced Ceramics. The aim of CTTC is to strengthen durably the competitiveness of French companies by providing high technological level and innovative solutions which will lead rapidly to new products and services. Genuine link between research and industry, the CTTC works closely with public research laboratories to anticipate future technological evolutions, in particular through collaborative research projects. Meanwhile, CTTC supports industrial projects through daily activities and efforts to ensure quick and operating spreading of …

86 15 58
IMT Mines Albi IMT Mines Albi

[Automatic translation follows] IMT Mines Albi school of the Institut Mines-Télécom, 1st group of engineering and management schools in France. Directed by Lionel Luquin, IMT Mines Albi is a large general engineering school placed under the supervision of the ministry in charge of industry and certified ISO 9001:2015. Its mission is to train engineers and doctors and to carry out high-level business-oriented research. It contributes to economic development and participates in the creation of activities, particularly through its incubator and its involvement in technology parks and competitiveness clusters. Since March 1, 2012, the School has been part of the Institut …

106 0 98