Entreprendre au profit de tous
GROUPE SOS was launched in 1984 to tackle social exclusion in all its forms. Since then, it has gradually diversified its activities, and now responds to societal needs in 8 sectors of activity: Youth, Employment, Solidarities, Health, Seniors, Culture, Ecological transition and International action. With 18,000 employees, 550 establishments and services and a turnover of €950M, GROUPE SOS is the first European social enterprise.
By placing social innovation at the core of its practices, the group shows that it is possible to build a solid organisation, capable of creating and sustaining its economic activities, while maintaining a strong social impact. Our mission is to enable everyone, whatever their career path or income, to access quality services that meet their essential needs: education, housing, social inclusion, occupational integration, access to health care, and care and support in old age. We are also developing plans to facilitate much greater access to culture, as well as a new agricultural and ecological paradigm.
We operate in 44 countries in projects involving health, voluntary work, education and training, and also support social entrepreneurship. GROUPE SOS develops by creating new working models and through the associations, centres and companies that join us. These organisations can pool expenditures, stabilise their financial status, develop synergies, institute best professional practices, innovate and grow. They can thus meet ever better the needs of our society by introducing new solutions to today’s key social, economic and environmental challenges.
Let’s keep in touch !
Our website : http://www.groupe-sos.org/
Facebook : https://bit.ly/2QsEV0S
Twitter : https://bit.ly/2Wjfwwj
Instagram : https://bit.ly/2Xbf8gy
Youtube : https://bit.ly/2u0sZei
Entrepreneuriat social
Entreprendre au profit de tous
Le Groupe SOS est un groupe associatif, acteur majeur de l’économie sociale et solidaire, leader européen de l’entrepreneuriat social.
Il regroupe 650 établissements et services, associations et entreprises sociales, qui entreprennent au profit des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité, des générations futures et des territoires.
Depuis sa création en 1984, lors des années sida, le Groupe SOS : combat toutes les exclusions ; agit pour l’accès de toutes et tous à l’essentiel ; et innove face aux enjeux sociaux, sociétaux et environnementaux.
Non-lucratif, sans actionnaire, les actions du Groupe SOS et de ses 22.000 personnes employées ont un impact en France et dans plus de 40 pays dans le monde, auprès de 2 millions de bénéficiaires.
Le Groupe SOS en 5 minutes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOgHSkjnLuo
Entreprendre au profit de tous - Groupe SOS
Entity | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
PLAYERS entertainment, Wellness and Fitness Services | Not capitalistic Partnership Event 24 Jul 2022 | | ||
jigsaw arttech, Artists and Writers | Other 13 Aug 2022 | | ||
News Tank Culture entertainment, Online Audio and Video Media | Other 24 Jan 2022 13 Sep 2024 | | | |
Centre national du livre Government Administration | Other 24 Mar 2022 2 Oct 2024 | | |