  • Salon du Travail & Mobilité professionnelle

    Created in 2015
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,857 6,547
  • Entity types

  • Location

    211 Av. Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 5

  • Engaged corporates

    19 51
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Be actor in your professional life! #Emploi #emploipublic #formation #mobility #entrepreneurship #reconversion

    Take part in our fairs (in Paris and in regions) and come and meet many professionals offering solutions to reinvent your professional life, in France or abroad.

    Composed of 5 thematic villages: employment, public employment, training, mobility and entrepreneurship, the fair is aimed at all workers and job seekers who wish to develop their careers.

    A lounge organized by CDI Médias & amp; Services.

    Salon, recruitment, employment, work, job, public employment, vocational training, mobility, expatriation, entrepreneurship, coaching, health well -being at work, conferences, workshops, professional career, retraining, mooc, territories, local authorities, employer brand, information , life change, retirement savings, handicap, coworking, workplace, learning, alternation, lifelong, foreign languages, and career

  • Original language

    Soyez acteur de votre vie professionnelle ! #Emploi #EmploiPublic #Formation #Mobilité #Entrepreneuriat #Reconversion

    Participez à nos salons (à Paris et en régions) et venez rencontrer de nombreux professionnels proposant des solutions pour réinventer votre vie professionnelle, en France ou à l'international.

    Composé de 5 villages thématiques : Emploi, Emploi Public, Formation, Mobilité et Entrepreneuriat, le salon s’adresse à tous les actifs et les demandeurs d’emploi qui souhaitent faire évoluer leur carrière.

    Un salon organisé par CDI Médias & Services.

    salon, recrutement, emploi, travail, job, emploi public, formation professionnelle, mobilité, expatriation, entrepreneuriat, coaching, santé bien être au travail, conférences, ateliers, parcours professionnel, reconversion, mooc, territoires, collectivités locales, marque employeur, information, changement de vie, épargne retraite, handicap, coworking, workplace, apprentissage, alternance, formation tout au long de la vie, langues étrangères, and carrière

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Ministère des Affaires étrangères français Ministère des Affaires étrangères français

24 Jan 2025

Direction générale des Finances publiques
Direction générale des Finances publiques
National and local authorities
Direction générale des Finances publiques
National and local authorities

20 Jun 2024

Welcome to the Jungle France
Welcome to the Jungle France
Human ressources, Software Development
Welcome to the Jungle France
Human ressources, Software Development

16 Mar 2023

Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isère
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isère
National and local authorities, Business Consulting and Services
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isère
National and local authorities, Business Consulting and Services

21 Jan 2022

Software Development
Software Development

21 Jan 2017

Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires
Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires
NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations
Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires
NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations

23 Jan 2020

Régions de France
Régions de France
NGO, Think Tank, Government Relations Services
Régions de France
NGO, Think Tank, Government Relations Services

19 Oct 2016

Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy
Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy
National and local authorities, Government Administration

13 Jan 2020

Région Bretagne
Région Bretagne
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Bretagne
National and local authorities, Government Administration

22 Jun 2018

Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

21 Nov 2017

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