  • Value proposition

    Effective and cost-efficient removal of mercury from water.

    Clean water is one of the largest future challenges the world stands before, and toxic pollutants are a large contributing factor. Our goal is to help create a world where clean water is available to everyone.

    Atium’s reusable filter technology allows selective removal of toxic mercury from water, in a more effective and cost-efficient way than ever before. The patent-pending technology is based on electrochemistry and is the result of several years of research at Chalmers University of Technology.

    Want to know more, visit our website at www.atium.se or if you want to get in touch, email us at info@atium.se.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Veolia Water Technologies
Veolia Water Technologies
Environment, Environmental Services
Veolia Water Technologies
Environment, Environmental Services

30 Apr 2024

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