  • International Centre for EdTech Impact; WiKIT

  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Stavanger, Norway



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 14

  • Engaged corporates

    2 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    8 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Our vision is that all children should have access to high-quality digital teaching aids.

    Our vision is to advance children's learning by integrating science with EdTech innovation. We offer specialized research support to EdTech providers, policy-makers and philanthropic organizations across the world. We work with an international expert network of EdTech researchers, mentors and subject matter and learning sciences specialists. We offer comprehensive research support to assess and design impact portfolio against international standards. Many of our services are subsidized, contact us for details!
    NO: All children must have access to the best possible learning with today's technology, that is, technology that is based on design rooted in research, applied with effective pedagogy that accommodates children's different needs and individual learning differences.
    FI: Kaikilla lapsilla tulisi olla olla sikkei parhaaseen özälliseen omfässeen nikyteknologian auttal, joka sähää öfääkäseen pedagogiikkaan ja tukkusmeen gäätätä lasten lasten sääsät neuvett ja öppälliseen omäfässerot.
    FR: TOUS Les Enfants Devraient Avoir Accès Au Meilleur Apprentissage Possible Avec Les Technologies D'Aujourd'hui: Des Technologies Basées Sur Une Conception Fondée Sur La Recherche, Appliquées AVECIPTECE Fants a Dec diffrances d 'apprentissage individuelles'.

    EdTech, Research, Children, Education, Impact, and K12

  • Original language

    Vår visjon er at alle barn skal ha tilgang til digitale læremidler av høy kvalitet.

    Our vision is to advance children's learning by integrating science with EdTech innovation. We offer specialised research support to EdTech providers, policy-makers and philantropic organisations across the world. We work with an international expert network of EdTech researchers, mentors and subject matter and learning sciences specialists. We offer comprehensive research support to assess and design impact portfolio against international standards. Many of our services are subsidised, contact us for details!
    NO: Alle barn skal ha tilgang til best mulig læring med dagens teknologi, det vil si teknologi som er basert på design forankret i forskning, anvendt med effektiv pedagogikk som imøtekommer barns ulike behov og individuelle læringsforskjeller.
    FI: Kaikilla lapsilla tulisi olla mahdollisuus parhaaseen mahdolliseen oppimiseen nykyteknologian avulla, joka perustuu tehokkaaseen pedagogiikkaan ja tutkimukseen ottaen huomioon lasten erilaiset tarpeet ja yksilölliset oppimiserot.
    FR: Tous les enfants devraient avoir accès au meilleur apprentissage possible avec les technologies d'aujourd'hui: des technologies basées sur une conception fondée sur la recherche, appliquées avec une pédagogie efficace qui s’adapte aux différents besoins des enfants et des différences d'apprentissage individuelles.

    EdTech, Research, Children, Education, Impact, and K12

  • International Centre for EdTech Impact

    EdTech research, impact measuring and validation, grants and international certification advisory.

  • https://www.foreduimpact.org/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

7 Oct 2024

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

8 Oct 2024

The World Bank
The World Bank
International development, International Trade and Development
The World Bank
International development, International Trade and Development

31 May 2024

Brighteye Ventures
Brighteye Ventures
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Brighteye Ventures
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

31 Dec 2023

Incubateurs NEOMA
Incubateurs NEOMA
Higher Education
Incubateurs NEOMA
Higher Education

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