  • Fortune Italia

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2,232 29,953
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Via Cornelio Celso, 00100 Roma RM, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 32

  • Engaged corporates

    7 59
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Business Global Brand

    From the USA to China, from Mexico to India. Now also in Italy. FORTUNE is universally recognized by top managers and opinion leaders as one of the most authoritative magazines in the world.
    Founded in 1930 – four months after the “Wall Street Crash” – by Henry Luce, co-founder of TIME, FORTUNE’s goal has always been to accompany companies in constant growth, connecting them with business people who are difficult to access, offering the possibility of continuous benchmarking with success stories, with best-in-class companies, strong leadership, confidential insights.

    Independent. Influential. International. Without ever compromising, FORTUNE measures the success of a company and guarantees it, strengthens leadership, exalts the value of the most significant companies and paints a portrait of the men and women behind the success of these companies.

    FORTUNE ITALIA, every month, celebrates ingenuity and perseverance. It tells the story of entrepreneurs and businesses with the aim of setting them as models. It engages in dialogue with top C-level executives. It tells their world. It offers in-depth analyses of economic and financial trends. It presents ideas and technologies. It pays great attention to the issues of sustainability and social and environmental responsibility. It recognizes the merit of the most promising young people. It celebrates the most innovative and influential women. With regional insights it gives visibility to small and medium-sized businesses, recognizing their fundamental role in imposing the excellence of Made in Italy in the world. A bridge, not only informative and cultural, towards their internationalization.

    The Italian edition and the events it will organize have been imagined by MAGENTA CONTENT FACTORY as a "reservoir of thought" in which entrepreneurs, managers, experts, journalists and international personalities share experiences and skills and suggest solutions to decision makers.

    FORTUNE, simply authoritative!

  • Original language

    Business Global Brand

    Dagli USA alla Cina, dal Messico all’India. Ora anche in Italia. FORTUNE è universalmente riconosciuta da top-manager e opinion leader come una delle più autorevoli riviste al mondo.
    Fondata nel 1930 – quattro mesi dopo il “Crollo di Wall Street” – da Henry Luce, già cofondatore di TIME, l’obiettivo di FORTUNE è da sempre accompagnare le aziende in una crescita costante, connettendole con business people di difficile accesso, offrendo la possibilità di un benchmarking continuo con storie di successo, con imprese best-in-class, leadership forti, insight riservati.

    Indipendente. Influente. Internazionale. Senza mai scendere a compromessi, FORTUNE misura il successo di un’azienda e se ne fa garante, rafforza le leadership, esalta il valore delle imprese più significative e traccia il ritratto degli uomini e delle donne che si celano dietro il successo di queste imprese.

    FORTUNE ITALIA, ogni mese, celebra l’ingegno e la perseveranza. Racconta la storia di imprenditori e imprese con l’obiettivo di porle a modello. Dialoga con i top C-level executives. Racconta il loro mondo. Propone analisi approfondite delle tendenze economiche e finanziarie. Presenta idee e tecnologie. Pone grande attenzione ai temi della sostenibilità e della responsabilità sociale e ambientale. Riconosce il merito dei giovani più promettenti. Celebra le donne più innovative e influenti. Con gli approfondimenti regionali da visibilità alle piccole e medie imprese riconoscendo loro il fondamentale ruolo che ricoprono nell’imporre l’eccellenza del Made in Italy nel mondo. Un ponte, non solo informativo e culturale, verso la loro internazionalizzazione.

    L’edizione italiana e gli eventi che questa organizzerà sono stati immaginati da MAGENTA CONTENT FACTORY come un “serbatoio di pensiero” nei quali imprenditori, manager, esperti, giornalisti e personalità di respiro internazionale condividano esperienze e competenze e suggeriscano soluzioni anche ai decisori.

    FORTUNE, semplicemente autorevole!

  • Fortune Italia - Il Magazine indipendente, influente e internazionale

    FORTUNE ITALIA, ogni mese, celebra l’ingegno e la perseveranza. Racconta la storia di imprenditori e imprese con l’obiettivo di porle a modello.

  • https://www.fortuneita.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Telecoms, IT Services and IT Consulting
Telecoms, IT Services and IT Consulting

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Sequoia Capital
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Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
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Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
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10 Dec 2021

Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services
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Boehringer Ingelheim
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Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Animal Health
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Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
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1 Dec 2020


8 Dec 2021

Software Development
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Startup Wise Guys
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